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Europe Broke the Record of Corona Infection.

প্রতিনিধি :
Nazmul Hossain
আপডেট :
আগস্ট ৫, ২০২১
বার খবরটি পড়া হয়েছে
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There is an almost continuous outbreak of coronavirus in Europe After a temporary break, the infection is increasing again Although England has lifted the rules, many other countries are taking new and tough steps

Corona virus has been spreading in different parts of the world for more than a year and a half However, in the European continent, the corona's roar is particularly noticeable Extremely contagious Delta variant is also sitting there This time, Europe 6 touched the record of a total of five crore victims The total number of deaths is about 13 lakh 8 This means that the continent accounts for about 27% of coronary infections and about 31% of deaths worldwide. In Russia alone, the number of victims has risen to six million. According to Reuters, one million new cases of coronary heart disease occur every eight days.

Despite the recent success of corona vaccination compared to many other parts of the world, Europe is not getting rid of corona. As a result, there is a risk of another lockdown and other measures to halt public life at the end of the summer. The effect of that fear is also being seen in the capital market. On Monday, the price dropped by about two percent. Investors fear that the expected revenue from civil aviation and tourism will not materialize, especially during the summer holidays. In other parts of the world, the pressure on the capital market is increasing.

As coronavirus infections continue to rise, several European countries have already begun to take some drastic steps France has been making immunization clearance mandatory in many cases since August In this way, the government wants to create more pressure on the remaining people to get vaccinated However, there are protests against such a move The country is making corona vaccine compulsory for health workers The Netherlands is introducing new home office rules Moreover, the rules are coming back in bars, restaurants and nightclubs In many cases in Greece, vaccination certificates are being made compulsory.

Despite a drop in infection rates a few weeks ago, Germany is benefiting from the relaxation of basic coronary restrictions. Germany's corona situation is much better than many European countries due to the strict rules of masks and social distance in slaughterhouses. Although the rate of infection has been increasing for ten to twelve days, the level of incidence has barely exceeded ten However, the authorities fear that the rate of infection will increase further It is inevitable that the proportion of delta variants will increase, especially among those affected Efforts are being made to bring the situation under control before the winter by speeding up the vaccination program.

While the corona vaccine is in full swing, a new type of corona virus is spreading rapidly in southern England, including London. Due to which, the lockdown has started again in the United Kingdom. Many European countries have suspended flights to the United Kingdom.

Changing the character of the virus is not new. There are also different species of coronavirus. So far, however, nothing more harmful has been found in those species. But in the case of the new coronavirus, it is spreading much more contagiously and terribly than before.

As seen last month, millions of mink corona are infected with the virus. Again a new type of corona virus was found in Spain, which spread to many countries in Europe. But in both cases, the virus is not worse than the original coronavirus. But the new type of coronavirus found in the UK last week is spreading much faster than before. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. Experts say Corona is already deadly. As a result, there is a risk of life if not done. That's why if you don't spread it quickly, it will become more deadly.

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