২৫শে জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রিস্টাব্দ, ১১ই মাঘ, ১৪৩১ বঙ্গাব্দ

Who will get the corona vaccine, how to get it?

প্রতিনিধি :
Nazmul Hossain
আপডেট :
আগস্ট ৫, ২০২১
বার খবরটি পড়া হয়েছে
শেয়ার :
Who will get the corona vaccine, how to get it?
| ছবি : Who will get the corona vaccine, how to get it?

According to medical science, when 80 to 85 percent of the population is vaccinated against a specific infectious disease, almost all members of that population become immune to the same disease. This is called hard immunity or community immunity.

Coronavirus vaccination is going on in Bangladesh. People can easily get vaccinated by registering on the security website subject to the conditions and age limits set by the government. On the other hand, even if the 'spot registration' or mass immunization program is started by showing the national identity card, the air of success will undoubtedly spread in ensuring the immunization of all.

Although there is availability of vaccine in Bangladesh, who will get which vaccine, at what time and which time can not take it or how many days after taking the first dose of the vaccine, the second dose must be taken or whether the vaccine booster dose should be taken every year. There are many confusions. Let us know the answers to some queries.

Can you get vaccinated against corona?

An infected person can be vaccinated four weeks or one month after the onset of corona negative if there is no acute corona complication.

There is no basis for the idea that once a person is infected with corona, they no longer need to be vaccinated. This is because the natural antibodies that are produced in the body by Corona do not provide protection for long. For him, the risk of corona for the second time, even the third time, remains. So you have to recover from corona and get vaccinated after four weeks.

Can cancer patients be vaccinated?

People who have been suffering from cancer for a long time or are undergoing treatment for cancer (chemotherapy, radiotherapy and others) can get any type of corona vaccine. Patients with cancer have a much higher risk of death than those with coronary heart disease. So they should be vaccinated on a priority basis.

Heart disease patients

People who have had a heart ring or have a history of heart bypass surgery or are suffering from other heart complications also have no need to get vaccinated. However, it is better to consult a cardiologist before taking the vaccine.

Long-term liver problems

People who suffer from long-term liver problems, such as liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, fatty liver, etc., have no barriers to vaccination. However, if you are suffering from acute jaundice at the moment, consult a doctor.

Kidney patients

People who suffer from various types of chronic kidney disease have lower immunity than normal people. In that case vaccination is essential to avoid the risk of death. Kidney patients, even those on dialysis, can be vaccinated. However, it is better to consult a kidney specialist before taking the vaccine.

Pregnant mothers

You will receive any type of Covid-19 vaccine between 14 and 33 weeks of gestation. However, if there is any other disease of the pregnant mother during pregnancy, it can be controlled and vaccinated within a certain period of time. If the pregnant mother receives the corona vaccine, the fetus will also be protected.

Those who have allergies

Those who have a clear allergy problem and who have an allergy to one of the components of the vaccine, or who have had allergic complications before taking a vaccine, must take the corona vaccine with a doctor's advice.

Diabetes and high blood pressure

People with diabetes and high blood pressure can get it under control and get vaccinated. Coronary complications are more common in patients with diabetes and hypertension. Therefore, such patients need to get their blood pressure under control quickly and get vaccinated.

Respiratory complications

People with long-term respiratory complications, including asthma, COPD, and tuberculosis, can also receive any type of corona vaccine.

That could be the kind of side effect

  • There may be a mild or slight fever after the vaccination. Problems such as headaches, dizziness or dizziness may occur.
  • Many people have pain or swelling at the injection site. Many people have pain, some even feel tired. May cause nausea. Many also talk about allergic problems.
  • There is no reason to be afraid or panic if such a problem occurs, the body will return to normal within two to three days after taking paracetamol.
  • After vaccination, you have to wait at least 30 minutes at the vaccination site. In case of any serious complications, seek immediate medical attention.

Be aware

The notion that there is no risk of being infected with the corona vaccine is not correct. However, those who have been vaccinated have less coronary complications, and no coronary heart disease or mortality.

Even after taking two doses of vaccine, hygiene rules must be followed and masks must be worn until the epidemic is over. Remember, no one is safe until 80 percent of the country's population is vaccinated.

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